How can I create a MySQL database for my server?
MySQL databases can be used to store additional data for your server typically required by some...
How can I re-install my server?
In order to re-install your server, first login to the control panel. Navigate to your server...
How to I add mods to my FiveM server?
In this article we'll explain how to install mods onto your FiveM server. Please note, this does...
How to add control panel sub-users
Follow these steps to add sub-users to your control panel account. Step 1: Login to the game...
How to change your FiveM Server logo
Login to the Server Control Panel. Upload your logo image at the root folder of your server...
How to connect to your server's FTP
Setting up Filezilla (Windows and Mac OS)1. Log into the server control panel at...
How to get Your Keymaster License for Fivem
What is a FiveM License Key FiveM is a popular modding framework that allows you to run...
How to get started with txAdmin on your FiveM Server
Step 1: Creating a Server License Key To get started with your FiveM server, you will need...