Common console admin commands for Rust servers
Vanilla Rust Commands
These are commands which are vanilla rust commands, sorted by use case scenario.
Server Settings / Console editing
Commands |
Default Values |
Description |
chat.serverlog | true | If True, chat will be logged to the console |
echo "text" | Prints text to the server console | |
env.time | Sets the time to this value in hours | | | Sends an airdrop from a random direction | |
find <command or "."> | Searches for a command, using "." will list all commands. | |
say "Message" | Broadcasts a message to all players | |
server.globalchat | true | If true, chat messages will be broadcasted to all players |
server.stop | Stops your server | | | Saves your server | |
server.saveinternal "value" | 60 | Defines the time cycle for your server to autosave in seconds. | | true | If True, EAC will kick banned or unregistered players before joining |
server.seed "value" | 123456 | Sets the server's seed |
server.stability | true | If true, Structure stability is enabled |
server.tickrate <rate> | 30 | Sets the tick rate of your server |
server.writecfg | Saves .cfg changes which have been implemented via commands | |
quit | saves everything and stops the server | |
init | Loads config files |
Player Administration
Command |
Default Values |
Description |
ban "player name" "reason" | Bans Player for specified reason | |
banid <steam64> | Bans Player via Steam 64 ID. We have a guide on finding a user's steam ID is located here. | |
banlist | Lists the banned user list within chat | |
banlistex | List of banned users with reasons and usernames | |
kick <steam64 or playername> reason | Kicks a user by inputting their steamID64 or their playername for an optional reason. | |
kickall | Kicks all users | |
listid <steam64> | Lists users who have been banned via Steam64 ID. | |
moderatorid <steam64 or playername> | Sets a player as a server mod, with auth level 1. | |
ownerid <steam64 or playername> | Sets player as a server admin with auth level 2. | |
removemoderator <steam64> | Removes authorization from a user who has level 1 auth | |
removeowner <steam64> | Removes ownership from a user who has level 2 auth | |
unban <steam64> | Unbans a user via their steam ID. |
Player Controls
Command |
Default Values |
Description |
chat.say |
Sends a message in chat through the F1 console |
craft.add | ||
craft.cancel | ||
craft.canceltask | ||
find <command> |
Search for a command which is available to you |
inventory.endloot | ||
inventory.give | ||
inventory.giveid | ||
inventory.givebp | ||
kill | Suicide | |
quit | Saves everything, closes the game | |
respawn | Forces yourself to respawn | |
respawn_sleepingbag | Forces yourself to respawn in your sleeping bag | |
sleep | ||
spectate | ||
wakeup |
Command |
Default Values |
Description |
players | Shows connected Players | |
status | Shows connected Clients | |
users | Shows user info for connected players |
Commands |
Default Values |
Description |
colliders | ||
ddraw.arrow | ||
ddraw.line | ||
ddraw.sphere | ||
ddraw.text | ||
dev.culling | ||
dev.hidelayer | ||
dev.samling | ||
dev.showlayer | ||
dev.togglelayer | ||
entity.debug_toggle | ||
entity.nudge | ||
gc.collect | Recollects unused memory and unloads unused assets | |
objects | ||
perf | Prints out performance data | |
physics_iterations "number" | 7 | Sets the default solver iteration count permitted for rigid bodies. |
physics_steps | Amount of physics steps per second | |
queue | Shows the stability and surroundings queue | |
report | Generates a report of all spawned entities in the server's root directory | |
textures | Lists the loaded textures |
Oxide Specific Commands
Commands |
Default Values |
Description |
oxide.load "file name" | Loads a plugin with name given (do not include file extension) | |
oxide.reload "file name" | Reloads a plugin via its file name (do not include file extension) | |
oxide.unload "file name" | Unloads a plugin via its file name (do not include file extension) | |
version | Displays the Oxide Version and the Rust Network Protocol version within the Console. |